Making Money - Page 8

  • Don't have enough work? Lower your prices. Keep them low until you get a little stressed about how much work is coming in, then raise your prices a little. Keep raising them periodically until the work load reaches where you want it. Finding that balance may take years, and you may be surprised at the results. Believe it or not raising my prices has actually generated more sales! I guess that's because people see high prices as more credible, or a sign of quality.
  • Get Paid. No merchandise walks away until you have money in your hands, not even for friends. I've heard "I'll pay you next week" before: a few of those invoices are years old. Don't be afraid to ask to get paid: this is your business, you did the work, you deserve to get paid.

    I had a customer get huffy with me over this one. He asked, "So, you don't trust me?"

    I explained that Wal*Mart won't let you walk out with merchandise without paying, why would he expect me to?

    I will admit there are people who owe me money that I haven't pursued. It's an evil thought, but it's worth the $40 to me not to ever have to deal with those folks again.
  • On the other hand... Don't be completely inflexible. I have a customer who has spent more than $2000 with me: you better believe he gets credit because there's a track record there.
  • Covering your butt...



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