Making Money - Page 6

  • Brand your business and your product. If you ever do business with Seamlyne reProductions, you'll find that everything - absolutely everything - has the maple leaf logo on it: our invoices, letterhead, website, clothing labels, mailing labels, insert cards ... if it comes into contact with a customer, there will be no doubt where any item is from. Okay, my clothing labels don't have the maple leaf, but by God they've got SEAMLYNE in big bold letters.
  • Be careful how you choose your business name. Don't call yourself "Jones Costume Rental", even if your name is Jones and you make most of your money from renting costumes: the words "costume" and "rental" implicitly limit what your business can do, because a customer looking to buy reproduction clothing - something you're perfectly capable of creating - will see "costume" and "rental" and pass you by.

    Also be wary of trendy names. Calling yourself "Dragon Dungeon Costumes" or "Kingdom Of The Flaming Heretic" may look great on a black-background website and all your friends down at the gaming shop will "ooh" and "ahh" over it, but how much are they going to buy from you? The majority of your business will not come from friends but from strangers, and they don't know how mind-numbingly cool you are. But, they will see your website looks like the cover of a TSR Out Of Print, and they'll come to see me.

    So, on second thought, make it as trendy as you want; I don't mind.

    Branching out.



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