Making Money - Page 3

  • On those rare occasions when you let yourself be dragged down the custom sewing road

    don't do your customers' shopping for them.

    When I first started, I'd spend hours at the fabric stores buying fabric for projects. I thought I was the only one who knew how to buy just the right fabric. I'd buy it and add it to the cost of the project.

    Boy, was that stupid.

    Yes, you can do some of the buying. Here's how to keep it reasonable:

    • If you shop retail, always mark up. Whatever you spend, whether you're buying online or driving to the local fabric store, add 10%. Make it clear to your customer that's what you're doing, but do it.
    • When you're shopping for your customer, track and charge for the time at your regular hourly rate. Make it clear up front that's what you're doing.
    • Whenever possible, shop online.
    • If you shop wholesale, resell at retail. You can keep that to yourself.

    Now you have to keep track of your business.



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