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Fun With Tights

| Variations | Dyeing Tights | Tights FAQ |


Tights can be worn for more than just renaissance events! We include professional clowns, mimes, and other entertainers among our customers. Here are some ways to explore the wearing of tights for other events and occasions:

Wondering how to cover your legs under all that burlap and gauze you'll be wearing on Hallowe'en? Put away your sweat pants and old blue jeans, and try this:

Layered Tights - click for larger image Pick a base color of tights (no codpiece!) to wear against your skin. Then take a second pair of tights of a different color and, using whatever sharp implements you happen to have handy - scissors, pinking shears, a scalpel or chain saw - make several slashes in the legs (being careful not to cut the seams in back - and please take them off before you start cutting!). Very carefully pull on the second pair over the first, so that the base color shows through the cuts on the top layer!

Different characters might use different color combinations, like these:

  • Ghoul - back from the grave. Base color: gray or brown. Top color: black, gray, or hunter green.
  • Demon. Base color: red or black. Top color: black or red.
  • Slashing victim. Base color: red. Top color: cream. (For extra effect, try hanging gauze soaked in stage blood from a few of the slashes, or "singe" the edges of the cuts with black or red spray paint. Ewwwwwwww!)
  • Tiger. Base color: black. Top color: cream. (Use Rit dye for Orange.)

When wearing two pairs of tights like this, be sure to order the inside pair without the codpiece. If the outside pair does have one, you can open the seam of the inside pair to let you use the codpiece. You could also, if you like, reverse that, too.

Dyeing Tights

Our regular tights fabric is mostly cotton, which means it takes dye really well.You can use
Rit dye or any one of many fibre-reactive dyes. The dye, and the method you use, is strictly up to you. We have our favorites, though:

  • Broomsticking. Okay, not broomsticking, precisely, but similar. With you holding your tights by the waist and a partner holding the tights by the feet, twist the tights into a "rope". You can stop here and, using heavy twine or fabric scraps, tie knots around the rope every 6" or so, or keep twisting until the tight-rope (Ha ha...oh, never mind...) draws up into a ball. Tuck in toes and waist so the ball keeps it shape.

    You can dye the tight-rope in the washing machine. With the ball, better just soak it. If the tights are wet when you start, the edges of the dye will be softer than if the tights are dry.

  • Another use for a ball of tights. I'm sure this has a name, but darned if I remember what it is. Scrunch your tights into a ball, and wrap the ball with heavy twine so that it looks like a pumpkin. Soak 'em if you got 'em.

  • Broomsticking - click for larger image Another use for the tight-rope. After twisting, use one very long piece of heavy twine, and begin by tying a simple knot at one end of the tights in the middle of the length of twine. Wrap both ends of the twine around the back of the tights, bring them back to the front and tie a half-knot. Repeat down the length of the tights - it'll look like a one of those hair-braids done with a leather thong, but without the pretty beads.
If you buy white tights for dyeing, please let us know your base color and we'll make sure to use thread to match!



Seamlyne Reproductions is committed to creating the most comfortable tights, codpiece tights, shirts, and chemises that you'll find anywhere. Our tights are available with or without codpiece, and are ideal for renaissance festivals, stage performances, circuses and circus performers. Our shirts are perfect for a range of uses from high school plays to camera-ready, professional costuming applications.

© 2025, Seamlyne Reproductions. All rights reserved.

Please Read

Limited Colors for the foreseeable future.

If the Trump administration imposes its threatened tariffs, the price of our materials will rise dramatically - and with uncertainty in the global market, they've already risen some.

I love what I do, and I'm proud to see my tights and shirts being worn all over the country, so I hope it never materializes (pun acknowledged.) But if things go the way I fear, the materials will become too expensive to maintain our business.

For that reason, I will not be ordering new fabric until things stabilize after January, if they ever do. The colors offered on the website are the only colors I have, and as we run out I'll remove them as choices.

We still have plenty of off-the-rack tights and the prices are still discounted!

Hope to see you all Spring 2025. Thanks for your friendship and support.

 - Bill